Reappear Examination for UG - 2021,2022 & 2023 Batches Only
The last date to pay the fees online is on or before 31-12-2024 (Without Fine) and with a fine up to 02-01-2025
1. Students can apply any number of courses with "F" Grade
2. Students having backlog courses declared "NE" is Not Eligible to take up the Reappear Examinations.
3. Students must apply in the prescribed format of application published herewith.
4. Submit the applications to respective Departments on or before Last Date.
5. No further extension will be provided.
6. Fee once paid will not be refunded.
7. No Transitional Grades will be awarded for this Examination (X or I Grade).
8. The student should ensure that they have satisfied Attendance (Minimum 85%) CIE (Minimum ) and other
Eligibility Requirements as per regulations.
All the Head of the Departments are requested to bring the contents of this circular to the notice of all concerned